Optimism for Our Nation

Bernard Moon
6 min readDec 10, 2020

Ignore the Social Media Echo Chambers

(originally published in TechCrunch as “Ignore the Social Media Echo Chambers”)

After Election Day, NPR, The Washington Post and various blogs described America as bitterly divided or on the brink of civil war. These were by the same journalists, pundits and intellectuals who only know how to sell fear. These were by the same journalists, pundits, and intellectuals who only know how to sell fear. “They want to take away your guns!” and “They want to take your children away!” were their cries, while praising BLM’s protesters on one screen and promoting videos of the infinitesimal number of rioters on another.

The Atlantic speculated about widespread violence depending on the outcome, but I never believed these seemingly well-researched reports that have become commonplace in our clickbait-driven world. And as we saw, nothing of real concern happened; instead of violence, there were relatively small protests and dancing in the streets.

The gap that supposedly divides our nation is narrower than the doomsaying pundits, intellectuals, politicians, and cause leaders want you to believe. Why do they want you to believe this…



Bernard Moon

Co-founder & Partner at SparkLabs Group (www.sparklabsgroup.com), which includes @SparkLabsGlobal (global seed fund) & @SparkLabsKorea (startup accelerator)